*pupils must have returned the consent form otherwise they will not be given the nasal spray flu vaccine. The vaccine is in the form of a nasal spray. If you would like more information about the flu vaccine, please contact your school nurse or phone NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 or visit www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/immunisations...
Parents / Grandparents are invited to Reception's Nursery Rhyme Challenge performance. You will be able to watch your children perform the nursery rhymes they have been learning. You will also find out some important information about homework and reading logs that will be given out after half term. Please arrive at the main reception by...
Parents / Grandparents are invited to our Year 2 Literacy workshop. Please arrive at your child’s classroom door by 2:20pm. You will have the opportunity to work alongside your child on a range of activities and the class teacher will demonstrate ways to help your child at home with Literacy. You will also receive a...
National Roman Legion Museum
High St, Caerleon, Newport, United Kingdom
Year 3 pupils will visit the Roman Legion Museum in Caerleon, as part of their theme. They will have the opportunity to visit the historical Roman site, and take part in workshops. A packed lunch and warm coat will be needed for this trip.
Parents / Grandparents are invited to our Year 1 Literacy workshop. Please arrive at your child’s classroom door by 2:20pm. You will have the opportunity to work alongside your child on a range of activities and the class teacher will demonstrate ways to help your child at home with Literacy. You will also receive a...
Newport International Sports Village
Velodrome Way,, Newport, United Kingdom
Year 4 will have the opportunity to develop their individual swimming ability during 3 weeks of swimming lessons. Children will travel to the venue with their classes throughout the morning. A letter will be sent home to provide individual class times.
Year 2 will visit Moriah church for 'Christmas Through the Keyhole.' The children will take part in a trail to learn about the story of Christmas. They will look 'through...
Year 2 will be attending Moriah Church to experience 'Christmas Through the Keyhole' and to learn about The Christmas Story. The children will go in classes throughout the day. Please...