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Archives: Events

Christmas Jumper Day

Pupils can wear a Christmas jumper to school for the day (with smart trousers or a skirt) and donate money to Save the Children.

Christmas Concerts

We're unable to invite parents into school for Christmas Concerts at the moment. All classes will record a mini Christmas Concert and we will share the link with parents. They...

Class Christmas Parties

St Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

This year, parents will be unable to send in party food and therefore, we will ask for a £1 donation to go towards buying party food for the class.

Staff Training Day

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

School closed to pupils. Staff Training Day.

Christmas Carol Service

Online / Virtual Event

As we're unable to hold our usual carol service at St. Julian's Baptist Church, join us online for our virtual carol service. 6pm - we will text the link out...

School Closed – Blended/Home Learning

Newport Council have made the decision for primary schools to move to a blended/learning approach for the final two days of the Autumn Term. See Letters to Parents page for...

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