Archives: Events

Parents Meeting with Inspection Team

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Parents and Carers of pupils are invited to meet with the inspection team in the Foundation Phase Hall.

Y3 Trip to Roman Legion Museum

National Roman Legion Museum High St, Caerleon, Newport, United Kingdom

Year 3 pupils will visit the Roman Legion Museum as part of their Theme. Mrs Vers and Mrs Watkins' class will go today. Mrs Evans' class will go on Friday.

Y3 Trip to Roman Legion Museum

National Roman Legion Museum High St, Caerleon, Newport, United Kingdom

Year 3 pupils will visit the Roman Legion Museum as part of their Theme. Mrs Vers and Mrs Watkins' class went on Wednesday. Mrs Evans' class will go today.

Autumn Half Term

St Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

School closed for half-term.

Staff Training Day

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

School closed to pupils as staff are receiving training.

Year 1 Literacy Workshop

St Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

An opportunity for Year 1 parents and families to come in and take part in a workshop to develop literacy skills.  The children can't wait to show you what they have been learning!

Non-Uniform Day

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Pupils can donate £1 to wear their own clothes to school. Although it's Children in Need day, we'll be raising money for our very own little child in need, Marley, who is currently searching for a matching blood stem cell donor. You can read more about #MarrowforMarley here.

Year 2 Literacy workshop

Come and join us for our Literacy workshop and receive free resources to take home. Please arrive at your child’s classroom door by 2:20pm. You will have the opportunity to work alongside your child on a range of activities and the class teacher will demonstrate ways to help your child at home with Literacy. 

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