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Parent Consultation Meetings

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Parents invited to meet with their child's teacher to discuss progress and view their children's work. Please book appointments using the online booking system which will be opened a fortnight before.

Year 2 trip to Newport Wetlands

Newport Wetlands Nash Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Year 2 pupils have the opportunity to visit Newport Wetlands for a range of workshops for their 'Soaring High and Diving Deep' theme this term. The coach will leave at 9:15am and return by 2:45pm.

Year 1 – Room on the Broom drink tasting

St Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

This half term, the Year 1 topic has been ‘Julia Donaldson’ and the children have enjoyed reading and retelling lots of her stories. One of her stories we have enjoyed the most is ‘Room on the Broom.’ After reading this book, the children have been working hard to design, cost and make their own drinks....

Half Term

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

School closed for half-term break


St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Pupils from Y2-Y6 will spend the day in the hall representing their house and competing in competitions and celebrating St. David's Day. This event will be Live-Streamed. Parents will receive a link to watch this event live.

World Book Day

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Pupils can dress as their favourite book characters for the day. Year 4 pupils who are going swimming, please bring your World Book Day costumes in a bag - you can change into these after.

Year 1 – Family Irish dancing

St Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

Year 1 children and their families can take part in an Irish dancing session in the Foundation Phase Hall.

Rescheduled Eisteddfod 2018

St. Julian's Primary School Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom

The Eisteddfod was cancelled last week due to snow. It will take place today. Pupils can wear Welsh Costumes or dress in the colours of their house. Don't forget, this event will be live streamed, so you can watch from home.  

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