St. Julian's Primary School
Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom
Parents of year 1 pupils are invited to join us the afternoon to take part in a Literacy workshop and explore ways to support the development of literacy skills at...
St. Julian's Primary School
Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom
Parents of year 2 pupils are invited to join us the afternoon to take part in a Literacy workshop and explore ways to support the development of literacy skills at...
St. Julian's Primary School
Beaufort Road, Newport, United Kingdom
Chartwells, the provider of our school meals, will be in school to hold a fun 'Ready, Steady, Cook' style challenge. Year 2&3 in the morning and Year 4&5 in the...
Malpas Road Evangelical Church
Malpas Road, Newport, United Kingdom
Year 3 pupils have been invited to visit Malpas Road Evangelical Church to take part in their Interactive Christmas story. Letters with consent form have been sent out to parents. Please provide your child with a packed lunch.