It’s not only the major political parties who have been battling it out, in the lead up to today! Over the past week or so, 19 pupils from Year 5 have…
The topic for Y5&6 this half-term is ‘Secrets of the Deep’, where pupils study Cardiff Bay and also learn about the Titanic. To help the children put their learning into context,…
What a night! This evening was the fourth and final evening of the Newport Schools’ Dance Festival. Every year, pupils from St. Julian’s Primary take part, and every year, never fail to…
We’ve had an amazing Eisteddfod, today. All classes from Y2 to Y6 spent the day in the hall taking part in a variety of competitions, to celebrate St. David’s Day…
Our annual Eisteddfod is coming up (on the 27th February) and we’re getting really excited!! Here’s all you need to know… Children from Years 2-6 will celebrate the day together…
St Julian’s gymnastics team competed today, at Kestrel Gymnastic Club in Chepstow, in a tumble and volt competition. The girls had to complete 3 different tumble runs and two different…
Today was Safer Internet Day. We joined with thousands of schools across the UK, to study the Internet and think about ways we can make it a safer place. The day…
We’ve had a fantastic day, today! Early this morning, we took over the Beaufort Centre and set up lots of different learning stations around the hall. At 9:30am, we opened…
We had a great afternoon today, going from Year 6…to University!!! Mr Mansfield was invited to give a lecture on ‘Teaching Computer Programming in Primary Schools’, so he got some…