Another of our family live sessions today – the Live Draw Along with Mrs Watkins and Mrs Lewis. We had over 160 viewers join us live for some great drawing…
This evening, we held a virtual family quiz for our families to test their general knowledge! We sent out the live YouTube link at 6:30pm and over 100 families joined…
We usually hold a ‘Great St. Julian’s Bake Off’ in school each year to get children and parents baking together! Baking has so many great skills – following instructions, weighing…
The children in Year 3 have continued to show great resilience in the way they have adapted to all of the different routines we have had to follow. We are…
This half term, Year 6 have continued to build upon the work completed in ‘Lights, Camera, Action’ last term and have started our brand new theme ‘2040’. An activity which…
Our theme this term has been ‘Winter Wonderland’. Based on our book ‘It was a cold Dark Night’, we learned about light and dark. We compared day and night by…
Year 1 have had another exciting half term diving deeper into our topic of ‘Truly Scrumptious’! We have read and retold fantastic stories, including ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘Supertato’. The…
Should the Welsh Government allow dragons to reside in our local area? This was a ‘hot topic’ for debate which inspired children to write balanced arguments in one of their…
Can you believe we are nearing the end of our first full term in school? Time flies when you’re having fun!! What we have been up to this half termThis…