What a fantastic first half term we have had in Year 2!The children have been so engaged and eager to learn about our topic ‘ To Infinity and Beyond’, where we have…
We are delighted to announce that the Newport Primary Schools’ Football League will be going ahead again this year. Mr Jones has a dedicated squad of over 30 children from Years…
Year 1 have had a fantastic half term and have enjoyed learning through our theme ‘This is Me!’. We started off the half term celebrating ourselves, our similarities and our…
Year 3 have had an exciting half term settling into Key-Stage 2 and it’s fair to say, they have adapted extremely well to many changes in routine. We are all…
Wow! What a fun filled first half term we have had! The children have settled so well and are really loving coming to nursery every single day! It is so…
Year 6 have worked extremely hard this term and we are very proud of them. They have been very sensible, mature and responsible as they have settled back into our…
The Year 4 teachers are so proud of how well the children have settled back into school life and the ease with which they have adapted to our rules and…
Year 6’s final half-term has been jam-packed with exciting activities and events! Their final theme ‘When I Grow Up’ encouraged the children to think about their future, potential career paths…
Well.. What a fantastic end to Nursery! We had so much fun learning all about minibeasts, searching for them in the garden and even watching our very own caterpillars grow,…
What an exciting final half term we have had in Reception! We have loved visiting lots more countries including, Mexico and Uganda for our topic ‘What A Wonderful World’. We…