On Wednesday 20th March, two of our Digital Heroes attended the Digital Hero celebration event at St. Fagan’s National History Museum, Cardiff. The event brought together a range of people…
Following the school’s recent successful Estyn inspection, we were asked to write two effective-practice case studies to be shared on the Estyn website. The inspection team asked us to consider…
This evening, the school choirs performed alongside Mr Davies’ Gwent Brass Ensemble at St. Julius and Aaron’s Church. Both the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 choirs performed a number…
As St. David’s Day falls during the half-term break this year, we held our annual Eisteddfod today. The four houses, Llewellyn, Caradog, Glyndwr and Hywel Dda competed throughout the day…
Each year, Mr Mansfield is invited to lecture at the University of South Wales on the Masters in Education Innovation course. He often takes Digital Leaders with him when he…