We had some very exciting (large!) boxes arrive in school over the last few weeks. Children in Years 3, 4 and 5 were all given their very own ‘Internet Legend trophy’ to take home in recognition and celebration of the childrens’ hard work and dedication to becoming responsible online citizens. This follows on from Google’s Be Internet Legend scheme, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed and will be taking part in a Google Live Assembly in the next few weeks.
Without a doubt, these trophies were certainly a highlight for many of the children who couldn’t contain their excitement to get home and start building. The children were encouraged to get their family members involved as in order to build their Internaut trophy, they were required to successfully answer a series of questions about being safe online in order to unlock the instructions step-by-step. It is so important to keep these important conversations going with your children to ensure we are all providing the same messages. If you would like to find out more Google has launched a ‘Family Adventure’ you can take part in or visit their website.
We have been blown away by the number of pictures sent in of the finished trophy, as well as the very imaginative names. I’m sure lots of the Internaut trophies are taking pride of place on the mantelpiece at home. Can you spot your trophy?