WOW! What a fabulous first half term we have had! We have loved meeting our new friends and the children have settled in so well with their new routine. We have spent a lot of time getting to know the children and all the things they love about their home and nursery. We are really lucky with our nursery garden and have been learning all about the season of Autumn. The children have really enjoyed our Muddy Monday sessions. We have been learning about the changing colour of the leaves, the signs of autumn and what animals we may find in autumn. We have also been learning all about pumpkins. We have a pumpkin patch in the nursery, we have made pumpkin soup and we have made pumpkin potions! The children have loved learning about how pumpkins grow and have asked if we can grow our own pumpkins to see what happens! We are really looking forward to next half term, where we will continue to learn about Autumn, and begin to prepare for Christmas!